Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Click - Chapter 8 + Epilogue

At long last! Check out chapter 8 here and epilogue here of Click: A Percabeth story!

Hope you guys enjoy it - it's been so much fun writing this one, it's just a joy to do. Give me a review and some feedback, pretty please! :)

I love you guys.



Thursday, 29 July 2010

New Percy/Annabeth/Rachel oneshot ~ Fate

I know I am but summer to your heart,
And not the full four seasons of the year.

~inspired by Mal in Inception. have patience - click is coming. I'm finding love in words again. percy/rachel/annabeth~

Please read here... I'll love your forever. And maybe a review? Because you guys, frankly, are the best.

- believeinthegods

Sunday, 4 July 2010

PJO Fanart

Thought you might appreciate some of my PJO photo art!

Sunday, 16 May 2010


I know my posts on here are fairly sporadic, but I just wanted to tell you about the other places I'm rockin' out at over the web!

There's my infamous twitter page, which I update like, all the time. Check me there - I love twitter, and if you wants news about fanfiction and PJO and everything else, have a looksies there.

I also now have my own tumblr, which I'm slightly in love with - it would mean a lot if you checked out all the stuff on there. I'm going to be using that a lot more often; it's now my go-to blog!

I'm not really going to update THIS blog anymore, but I will be using the two above, so please go ahead and follows me over there!



Thursday, 15 April 2010

News about the New Camp Half Blood Series!

A lot of people have been asking about Rick Riordan's plans for the new Camp Half Blood series - so here's an article about from Cabin Three, the press release from Disney Hyperion!



Sunday, 11 April 2010

Glee, anyone?

Anyone a Gleek here? If so...please do my a lovely big favour and check out my little teeny Glee oneshot!

Thank you guys!


Friday, 26 February 2010

New Chapter of Click!

*bows to requests*

Here it is, Chapter 7 of Click. This isn't the end - there's one more to go.

I would love you guys forever if you read/reviewed for me. Really really.



Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Important News - 'Click' Final Chapter

I owe you guys a MASSIVE apology.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated Click in so long. The chapter has been a long time coming, and I've been so busy this year that my school work just has to take priority. I've written 7,000 words of Click: Chapter 7 so far, and it's only about half-way through.

If you don't know what Click is, it's my Percabeth story! Check it out here :)

And this is where YOU wonderful beans come in.

Do you -

a) Want me to post what I have of Chapter 7 now, and then extend Click to last for eight chapters?


b) Wait until I finish the whole of Chapter 7 (I'm not sure when this will be?)

I'd LOVE it if you could get in touch - either by commenting, or through - to let me know which you'd rather I did. Asap would be AMAZING!

Thank you to all who've stuck with Click, waiting for me to write it. I'm sorry, guys!


Saturday, 13 February 2010




You can't say I didn't warn you.


I'll do this in lists.

Things I Liked About The Film

- LOGAN. Okay. I have to say it. HE IS THE PERFECT PERCY JACKSON. He is actually amazing in it. Not just in looks, either - he's convincing and really endearing, completely hilarious at times and gives an AMAZING performance. The bits with him and Gabe were GREAT, those were my favourite. The Sally/Percy/Gabe dynamic was the best working relationship of the film. I LOVE HIM. The kid needs a major career, I'm telling you. Best lines ~ "I really should be on medication..." And the giggling. He has a great giggle. He also seems to hug, like, EVERYONE in the film XD

- BRANDON. I was sceptical when he was first cast, but I shouldn't have been - he was by far the funniest character as Grover, and again very convincing. It was like the script-writer had given everyone else the crappy lines and saved all the good ones for Brandon. Best lines (there were many to choose from) ~ "Burning money? In a recession? That's gotta be like treason or something..." "Don't kill them! Don't kill them! Those are working class Americans!" Plus, he's a total pervert in this film, which weirdly I kind of liked :)

- THE CGI. Epic.

- HADES. He was amusing.

- THE GODS' BRITISH ACCENT. I just thought it was cool that they were all English. :)

- GABE. He was perfect. Best line ~ "It was when my stepson turned to drink and drugs it all went wrong..." Percy: Oh, man...

- LUKE. Some didn't like him, others hated his guts, but personally I thought he was pretty good.

- CAMP HALF BLOOD. Really amazing set - it was gorgeous. The Capture the Flag game was JUST like I imagined it.

- MEDUSA. Uma Thurman rocked, man. And the woman running around her emporium was like something out of a horror movie...

Bits I Did Not Like
- ALEXANDRA DADDARIO. Meh. She wasn't the WORST... She was just average. She wasn't the Annabeth we knew - if anything, she was kind of lack-lustre.

-PERCABETH. It was kind of hinted at... And then besmirched. Meh. Unaided by the fact that Daddario is NOT Annabeth Chase.

- SCRIPTING. Possibly the weakest element of the film. Craig Titley should be ashamed - the script was dire and cheesy, with the most cliche ridiculous nonsense littering the scenes. Meh.

- THE BIT WHERE THEY GOT DRUGGED. That was just weird. Though I liked Logan's giggle.

- THE MUSIC. The Lady Gaga song did NOT fit in, neither did the Grover dancingness! Plus the score was completely generic and unoriginal - it marred potentially good scenes. And someone said, "Good luck, you're on a highway to hell." So the song Highway To Hell started playing. *sigh*


- THE GODS' SIZE. They were HUGE - when Percy and Annabeth spoke to them, it looked like something out of Honey I Shrunk The Kids.

- THE CHEESE. All kind of cheesy.

- PERCY'S MOM. I liked her a lot, but it was the way Percy seemed not very upset his mum had died for like most of the film...

- THE CORNY POSEIDON/PERCY MEETING. I thought the bit in the book where Poseidon and Percy met was BRILLIANT, but in the movie it was cliche and dull.

- THE ABSENCE OF KRONOS. Luke was kind of trying to overthrow the earth...on his own. Which was kind of lame.

- CHIRON. Pierce Brosnan. You were god-awful.

- FAILURE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING. They didn't explain anything at all. They skimmed over Chiron's amazing explanations and stuff. Not chuffed.

Major Plot Changes

- The whole plot is the three demigods (Alex, Logan, Brandon) travelling to find 'Persephone's Pearls', which are hidden across America which will allow them to escape from the Underworld
- Poseidon stayed with Sally and Percy when he was a baby, but this was turning him into a mortal (?) so Zeus decreed Gods couldn't see their kids.
- No Kronos. Lame, lame, lame.
- No Ares! That was a shame, I really liked him.
- The Hydra features, Proscrutes and the Chimera do not, nor does the Denver Waterpark stuff... All they do is go to a modern-day Parthenon, a casino in Vegas (Lotus Casino) and Medusa's lair, which was a bit of a disappointment.
- You know the heartbreaking decision Percy has to make, to leave his mom behind in the Underworld? Well, he doesn't have to make it. GROVER stays behind, then Zeus brings him back. Weird.
- Persephone coming on to Grover. Sexually inappropriate.
- The whole Logan holding Alex's hand when he was in the pool. Weeeeeeeird.
- Luke's confession that he was the lightning thief. It was dull.

Overall rating - 6/10, for pure entertainment value and the fact that Logan is the most talented thing since sliced bread.

But I might see it again. JUST for Logan's sake :)



Thursday, 11 February 2010


I've got my tickets. I've forced my friends into getting THEIR tickets. I'm. Ready. To. Roll.

Check back here over the next few days for my review, okay? :)

I'M SO EXCITED. When are you guys going to see it, hmm?


I'm calm. I'm calm.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (I'm feeling affectionate...)

Monday, 25 January 2010

What's Your PJO Story?

Just curious ~ how did you guys get into Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

My story? It's a tale of villainy and deceit... Well, not really. But kind of. My mum bought the first book mainly for my younger brother - he's not a big reader, but when we were little my mum used to read us books at bedtime and then I'd spend an hour before I went to sleep daydreaming about the stories that were still ringing in my ears. Blame my mum for love of fanfiction, I suppose.

Anyway, mum wanted to bring back the whole bedtime reading thing, so she bought Percy Jackson because it looked fun and there were Converses on the cover, which my brothers were obsessed with. So she read us the first chapter.

Intriguing, thought I.

So I did what any other book lover would do.

I stole the book from her bedside cabinet and read it in two evenings.

My brother didn't get it back for like two years.

I bought the second book about a week later and took it to a friend's sleepover - she literally had to wrench it from my hands in order to stop me reading it; I don't think I made very good company that night! And I dragged my dad into town to buy the Titan's Curse and read it as we pushed a trolley around Tesco. Titan's Curse had only just come out in the UK when I bought it, so it was all jolly exciting.

So go on - spill. What's your PJO story?



Check out...

...the movie countdown! Cool, eh?

If you have a blog, put it on yours - just check it out here :)

What are your plans for release date? First screening, anyone? ;)


Thursday, 21 January 2010

Amazing PJO Gods Pics!

Thanks to @ItsPercyJackson over on Twitter, I've found some uber cool pictures of the Gods from the movie (only three weeks!!)

Poseidon, I think, looks the coolest XD



Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Borders PJO Video

You should check out some sneak peeks of the PJO movie over at the Borders site - there's a vid about Annabeth, Rick taling about Percy and the movie itself.


