Monday, 25 January 2010

What's Your PJO Story?

Just curious ~ how did you guys get into Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

My story? It's a tale of villainy and deceit... Well, not really. But kind of. My mum bought the first book mainly for my younger brother - he's not a big reader, but when we were little my mum used to read us books at bedtime and then I'd spend an hour before I went to sleep daydreaming about the stories that were still ringing in my ears. Blame my mum for love of fanfiction, I suppose.

Anyway, mum wanted to bring back the whole bedtime reading thing, so she bought Percy Jackson because it looked fun and there were Converses on the cover, which my brothers were obsessed with. So she read us the first chapter.

Intriguing, thought I.

So I did what any other book lover would do.

I stole the book from her bedside cabinet and read it in two evenings.

My brother didn't get it back for like two years.

I bought the second book about a week later and took it to a friend's sleepover - she literally had to wrench it from my hands in order to stop me reading it; I don't think I made very good company that night! And I dragged my dad into town to buy the Titan's Curse and read it as we pushed a trolley around Tesco. Titan's Curse had only just come out in the UK when I bought it, so it was all jolly exciting.

So go on - spill. What's your PJO story?




Anonymous said...

Well...I've always, always been a fan of Greek mythology. I was reading "D'Aulaire's Myths" at age six. So I was searching my library's online catalog for books that were for kids but about Greek mythology, around the time Titan's Curse came out. I reserved around ten books, which were pretty much not worth anything, until the LAST BOOK. *drumroll* It was..."The Lightning Thief"! And I was hooked at the title of the first chapter.

Unknown said...

The first time I heard of Percy Jackson was when the librarian at my elementary school read the first chapter to my 5th grade class. I loved it, and it was always in the back of my mind to read it. A year later, a friend to me to read it, but never told me the title. A couple of weeks later (right before Titan's curse came out) a kid in my English class did a book project Lighting Thief. It sounded good, so I bought the book. Three years later, it is still my favorite book.

Vanessa said...

Well, I used to NEVER EVER NEVER EVER read. At all. I was into listening to books on tape, that's about the only interaction I used to have with books. But then my friend suggested that I read the Percy Jackson Series; BEST SUGGESTION OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've read the series 5 times in one month!!!!!

FRAS said...

My cousin had read the series and raved about them, but she raves about a lot of books, so I considered reading them but never really got around to it.
Then summer rolled around and The Lightning Thief was being offered as an incentive to do a summer reading program. Being an avid reader, I finished fast and got The Lightning Thief.
I think you can take it from there.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought it was some Harry Potter rip off. BUT (plzdontkillme!) I decided to read the last part just to see "how bad it was." (Cuz im weird like that). Oh my god, that was probably the worst decision of my life. I read the entire series in a week. Last week, to be exact. I think I might have passed out from pure awesomeness after I read the first chapter. I really don't know how many hours I slept that week. I was reading the book EVERYWHERE. Literally, everywhere. I think I even took it to Wal-mart. ;)

Athena said...

People around my class were reading Percy Jackson, and I heard talk of monsters and gods. Being a Chronic Childhood fantasy Hater, I stuck up my nose. But I was sitting in library, and had to do SOMETHING, so I picked up the well-worn copy of The Lightning Thief. It was love at first "Look, I didn't ask to be a demigod." I am probably The biggest Percy Jackson Fan EVER!!!!! I would hate life if it weren't for that book. (Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but the book was AWESOME.)