Wednesday 17 September 2008

Happy September!

Greetings to all!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while - stupid school, homework, school, a bit more know the drill. Totally exhausted, but hey! That's just sleepless nights, too excited about the start of Heroes...

Okay! The first piece of news is a huge apology for my less-than-speedy updating. I'm blaming that on school, too. I'm sorry! Writers' Block is a cruel and beastly thing. But now, I have ideas. I have inspiration. Everything's okay.

The second piece of news is that throughout October/November/December I will be taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I already have loads of ideas! Let me introduce Elijah West, my hero (of the story!), Harlow Dennison (his kick-ass abductor!), Ruben Hirst, Alex Furcifer and Beau d'Accordez - they don't know it, but when they are abducted and find themselves in the mysterious Conterra building in Manhattan - with forces at work in their lives that even they could not have forseen....

The third piece of news is that I have the next chapter of With Or Without You ready and waiting and also a surprise story too....

Want to hear about it? Okay, you've persuaded me. It's a Harry/Ginny story - Ginny's POV, in one boring history of magic lesson..but what if History is to repeat itself - or even worse - that history already has?

"The attack was spearheaded by Hussain el-Khalid, who was a fearsome Serbian sorceror with supreme magical talent - he is, in folklore, idolized as the hero of the Battle of Khan-il-Habir, having selflessly plunged into a devastating battle after leaving behind his true love so that his comrades could prevail in defeating their Western enenmies -"

Ginny sat up, her eyebrows furrowing as she contemplated his words. The girl...She shuddered, but she was unable to let her gaze slip out of the window once more. Something about the story had caught her off guard...

Does it sound okay? I hope you liked it - if you're interested, it should be up soon. I've been writing this for days!

Nice to catch up with you - check out my page ( for all my stories!



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