Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Oh. Dear.

First image from Percy Jackson movie.

Sorry, but that isn't Annabeth Chase.



Anonymous said...

ughh, i really hate the annabeth casting.. ><"
shes too old and she's supposed to have blonde hair!! D:

Anonymous said...

They're wrecking Rick's masterpiece. Now that I'm looking at the photo a bit more, she's not really built like Annabeth either.

Jodi Picoult said...

I know! I hate the casting, it made me so mad when I found out she was Annabeth. I thought they might at least dye her hair, but I guess not. This makes me so mad!

Anonymous said...

Ugg. I know.

They totally screwed up casing her as Annabeth. She like 6 years older than Logan. And if they make more movies, he has to kiss her!

Thats just....not right.

Anonymous said...

I pictured Annbeth as way younger and a lot Blonder too. She is way too old to play Annabeth